Issue Position: Bitter Partisan Politics

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

The 112th Congress has proven itself to be the most inept in recent memory. Their approval rating is in the 12% range, the lowest approval rating since our country began. Their inability to accomplish anything is solely due their zero sum political maneuvering by the two parties. Both parties are equally to blame for this fiasco as each has gravitated to the extreme of their shared beliefs, meaning that the Republicans have gotten more conservative and the Democrats have gotten more liberal. The loser in this battle between the parties is the American people, specifically, you. When new members of Congress are elected to serve, they get swept up in their respective caucuses by promises of pork barrel projects in their district that serve some special interest group or other, or postings to specific committees they want to serve on, or financial support from their party's campaign committees. In return for these favors, they must tow the party line. This means they go from being elected to serve their constituents to serving their political parties. Only their interests or those of special interest groups benefit from this "closed ranks" approach. When your legislators start serving political parties and special interest groups, you are no longer being represented by your own elected officials. That is why the only way to regain control of your government is to vote out the career politicians in both parties and replace them with independent candidates, like Larry Ishmael, that actually represent you and your voice.
